BRS Stables was founded with the vision of providing top-quality horse riding lessons, training, and competition participation in Greece. Our team of instructors is dedicated to helping riders of all levels improve their skills and build a strong bond with their horses. With years of experience and a love for what we do, we strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment for both riders and horses alike.
Our stables are located on 12h Tagarades street on Thessalonikh.
The stables are simple with a lot of space so our horses can have similar life to the one they had in nature and every day our team is working to provide for them.
Giannis Brastianos : Farrier ,Horse trainer and Athlete
Our riding club is led by the owner Giannis Brastianos , a skilled horse trainer with years of experience and knowledge , an accomplished show-jumping athlete and a expert farrier. Giannis Brastianos is working with the horses on many levels with all kind of techniques!His passion for horses ensure the top quality of our trained horses.

Emmanouela Kotzampasaki : Horse riding Instructor , Horse trainer and Athlete.
At BRS Stables we have as our trainer, athlete and head instructor Emmanouela Kotzampasaki who has worked from a very young age with horses , have been taught by many trainers and worked as a professional rider especially on young horses.
With years of experience in equestrian industry Emma trains all ages and levels with love . Her dedication for horses create an inspiring environment for both beginners and advanced riders!
Ready to start your horse riding journey?
Contact us today to schedule a lesson and meet our instructors in person.